How do I order directly from Tooth & Nail?

We are a distributed label, which means we do not sell direct to retail stores. Individuals can purchase our products at online retailers such at iTunes and Amazon, in local stores, or the Tooth & Nail Records Online Store.

Want to write us a letter?

Tooth & Nail Records P.O. Box 12698 Seattle, WA 98111

How do I submit my demo for consideration?

Send your music in CD format only to:
Tooth & Nail Records
P.O. Box 12698
Seattle, WA 98111

Make sure to include the following:
1 - CD. Be sure to highlight the best 3 songs.
2 - Contact information.
3 - Any other cool information you want us to know.

We get many demo submissions so we are unable to contact everyone. We listen to all demos and if we are interested, we will contact you. The items you submit will not be returned.

How do I get on the Tooth & Nail e-mail list?

Click here to sign up

How does my zine/publication get servicing? How about advertising?

Send your zine and/or ad rates to: Tooth & Nail Records Attn: Publicity Dept
P.O. Box 12698 Seattle, WA 98111.

How does my radio or video show get servicing?

You must be a reporter to CMJ or some other trade organization. You must be able to make a formal request on station letterhead (see address above). We do not approve everybody for servicing. If you have questions, you can e-mail Tooth & Nail Radio/Video Promotions here: radio@toothandnail.com

How do I book a band on Tooth & Nail?

Check their individual websites for info or contact them directly.

Does Tooth & Nail have any internship opportunities?

Yes, we are always looking for bright, passionate music lovers to gain experience in the music industry at our label. Send your resume for consideration to resume@toothandnail.com